Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gymboree with Zoe

Gymboree is the coolest thing ever for a baby or toddler! Ja'dore Ca! I got Zoe a membership here this month and I think I'm in love! Shes made little baby friends and her age group class instructor is so nice and really enjoys what she does!
True story: Zoe actually learned to crawl after 1 Gymboree class! My husband and I went because they have an ongoing promotion offering one class free on their website and Zoe started crawling that night after rolling around  to keep up with some of the other crawling babies in class that day!

I was so happy! ../ until Zoe started crawling under everything she could fit under. ..BUT happiness was my overall feeling!

Here is Zoe after her first class on our way home listening to her new cd Putumayo Kids Picnic Playground we got at gymboree. She wouldnt let go of the case.

One of the Reasons I had kids... taking your kids to the park

Walking through the butterfly garden at our favorite park
The Little Stream - where before I had kids I actually used to tell myself when I did, I'd bring them here : )
pink flowers
I think at this moment we both agreed it was a beautiful day to go to the park
My favorite Tree
Daddy & Zoe
Zoe and I sat in wait of turtles

This is my favorite park and II love that I get to share it with Zoe and Ezra. My husband and  I used to come here after hours and get on the slides and stuff (hehe) now we take Zoe down that slide.

Practice Positive Living


Time to get Back in Shape!

So I totally planned to take advantage of my husband being a personal trainer and be back into shape by now. But I forgot the part where I have to work around his schedule, our two little ones (both under two years old) and the strong urge to just do nothing when i have free time. So my darling husband came up with a fitness program for me! (blushing) Its the

 "Busy Mommy 4 week Tummy Tightener"
The kids were both sleep! (Amazing!) So I jumped into my workout wear and grabbed my mat and hit the floor!

 Here are the details;

Jawz Fitness presents the "Busy Mommy 4 week Tummy Tightener"
for mothers with children 5 years and below
Begins Monday October 1, 2012 there will be a 9am and 6pm session
at The Forum 3900 W. Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, California 
 on Manchester and Kareem Court
Sessions are 30 minutes long and each class will have a maximum 15 Mommy's
to give everyone adequate attention and so mothers can get back to their busy lives
This is a 3 times a week, 4 week program for $77
held each month
Call (323) 218-1052 or email

the cool part is that myself and other moms are going to come out with our kids in their strollers and werk! Get a walk/jog lap in, where I totally plan to mingle (hehe), then park it and get a work out in and get outta there before baby needs a diaper change!

I love it! This is my husbands version of writing a song for me and singing it to his own melody on a guitar.

Practice Positive Living


Citrus Lane Box for Zoe and Ezra

its here!
here comes Zoe
Zoe grabbed the toy out of the box right away
shes found two uses for it already
So I rejoined Citrus Lane last month and I added Ezra too! Inside were California Baby products, Skip Hop stroller/car seat toy (Which Zoe was immediately drawn to -see pics above), and  two or three other things. I love that Zoe recognizes the box now and crawls right over to it and digs in. Its another thing to do with her and that I'll soon get to do with Ezra! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DNC 2012 OBAMA! "Four More Years!"

The First Ladies speech was so touching I had to put the TV captions on so I wouldn't miss a word.

"When they told him to save adequate healthcare for all Americans for another day or another president he didn't listen, because he wasn't interested in the easy thing to do, but the right thing to do. My husband was raised that way" - Michelle Obama. Not a direct quote, but those of you who were tuned in to the DNC 2012 heard it.

I love that this gave you an inside view of our presidents integrity! I absolutely love our first family and that they have committed to the hard task of making the "American Dream" available to us all! Whooo hoo! "Four More Years!"

I want to be the Michelle Obama for my husband!

Uh oh! (In my jokster voice) Someone needs to write a song! " I want to be the Michelle to your Obama!" Somebody catch that! Pay me a few royalties when it goes top of the charts! hehehe : )

Did anyone watch the DNC 2012? Were you moved? By who? What did you think about the first ladies speech?

Practice Positive Living!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Good Ol Fashion Yard Play

It was such a nice day I took Zoe out to play.

"Oh no. I am all wet. what have I done" - Zoe's Expression

"yerrrrrrnnnnn! Airplane!" - Zoe